Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Interview: Whoa Sequoia

Whoa Sequoia, AKA Brandon Meyer, is a continuous presence in the world of music, branding himself as an Emmy-winning Filmmaker, Editor, and Music Producer.

In 2020, Meyer fully emerged as a multifaceted musician, working out of his home studio in Santa Monica, he already composed and self-produced six originals albums and multiple placements on TruTV, ABC, and VICE.

As an artist with countless experience, Whoa Sequoia releases showcase tremendous guitar solos, chill rock melodies, and infectious pop lyrics.  The Geyser Saga, his full-length debut, has become one of captivating allure. While it carries a psychedelic urgency, one full of anguish and light it also brings exciting and bold transitions that charge an emotional electric spark through anyone who listens. 


“‘The Geyser Saga’ is about a future apocalypse/alien invasion, in which a man mistakenly finds himself shipped alone off to faraway planet. Some of the quarantine themes of isolation and confusion definitely inspired the overall story.”


Following the release of the debut, we had a chat with Brandon Meyer to discuss all the details that make his music so unique. 


When did you first decide you wanted to become a musician?

Well, I started playing guitar around age 14 or so. I always loved music at a pretty deep level, but when I started playing guitar, it really became something different. 


I spent most of that next decade into my 20's really practicing, studying, playing gigs with various bands in college. Playing different instruments. But I think at a certain level, music was always flowing around in my head. I was a very energetic kid.


What is your greatest influence in the world of music?

Tough one. You know, I loved all of the classic rock stuff growing up - the Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd. I love Bob Marley, The Beatles. But I also watch tons of movies and cinematic music/film scores can be just as influential as anything else. 


But I listen to a lot of jazz, classical music, electronic music. Really big into hip hop too... so it's really never-ending. 

Tell us about your latest release, The Geyser Saga?

It's a space-themed concept album, based on a short story I wrote. It's sort of about an alien invasion/nuclear apocalypse, in which a guy ends up heading to outer space by himself. A lot of it was written during the early parts of COVID quarantine, so in retrospect, there are a lot of themes of isolation, uncertainty. 


I recorded and produced it entirely in my home studio. Played all the instruments. But the songs are really fun, and I think turned out great. Sort of lo-fi, bedroom album-y. Like a guy on a random outer planet recording by himself into a 4 track machine. Which was the vibe I was going for. 


What's your favorite track off the album?


"Back to the Edge of Time" - mostly because it was the first song written in the album, and really set the tone for how a lot of it would end up sounding. And also lyrically helped craft the overall story. But "Speed of Sound" and "Jed's Diamond Chest" are really cool too, I think. I also love the instrumental track "Humbucker."


Do you have a favourite venue you would like to play in the future?

There is only one answer to this question, and it is Red Rocks in Colorado.


Could you tell us a bit about your process of creating? Do you have any special routines?

You know, I work as a video editor in TV/Documentaries a lot as well. So music is this awesome thing I get to do, which is purely creative, zero pressure or outside influence. It's truly me making music/art for myself first, and then just putting it out into the world. If anyone likes it, that's awesome.


But I am always writing music. Creation comes in so many ways. I like to work quickly. As an example, I recently took a drive to Fort Collins, CO, and sat down at an outdoor community piano there. And started playing, and this new song just poured out in a matter of minutes. It's called "Running" and will be on my new upcoming album.


What is the moment you look forward to when on stage?

To be honest, I'm much more comfortable at home, producing and writing music. So the live show experience is totally, 100% different and unique when I do play.  


But I have to say, over the course of the pandemic, I actually have been really itching to play a lot of live gigs again. So maybe when all of this ends and we get back to normal, I'll start doing some more touring again. We'll see.


Finally, are there any new projects coming up?

Yes, I am currently working on a new album, which will hopefully be out this summer. I'm really excited about this new batch of tunes. The album is tentatively titled "David Letterman." I think it's some of my best stuff yet. Hopefully people dig it.


Joana Alarcão


Image: Provided by PR


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