Thursday, October 20, 2022

FIDLAR release another classic surf punk tune ‘Sand On The Beach’

FIDLAR are well and truly back with their brand-new single ‘Sand On The Beach’. This is the second single from the American punk band, the first being ‘FSU’ which was our first glimpse of new music from the band since 2019. ‘Sand On The Beach’ provides us with those classic heavy drums and catchy guitar chords, as well as the iconic gravelly voice of lead vocalist Zac Carper.  

FIDLAR are well known for their songs to show inspiration from bands such as Offspring and blink-182 and this single proves just that. Max Kuehn’s heavy drums that start off the song prepare the listener for the incoming ‘surf punk’ vocals from Zac Carper and catchy bass chords from Brandon Schwartzel. 

Throughout the song there are many tempo changes that add suspense to the song and the lyrics. The first section of ‘Sand On The Beach’ is fast and upbeat with simple lyrics with meaning such as ‘‘I don’t care I just wanna make you laugh’’. It’s like the first chapter of a book, the heavy drum-based start is adding tension and the lyrics are giving us an insight into who and what the song is about.  

The first tempo change starts after a dramatic buildup of guitar noise and with sudden silence, we are listening to the slower, more romantic feel of the song with lyrics like ‘‘I will buy you all the sand on the beach’’. In this section of the song, you can only hear the intense vocals and the slow guitar notes which leads us nicely into the next section which I can only describe as a classic FIDLAR piece of music! 

The heartfelt side to this song soon fades away and we are back in the 2015 FIDLAR era with lyrics about alcohol and drugs, which has been a common theme in the band’s music since they first started out in 2009. The snappy drums, the punk guitar playing, and the intense changes of tempo show us that FIDLAR are still making those classic sounds and still have incredible song-making talent after all these years.  

There has been no news of a new album yet, but with the band currently touring America and 2 new singles in 3 months, I am excited to see what FIDLAR surprise us with next. 


Alice Mason 

Instagram: @alicemxson 

Image: ‘Sand on the Beach’ Official Single Cover 

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