Saturday, January 07, 2023

Punk-infused and Razor-Sharp: Spirit Gun Release Brand-New EP ‘The Antonym’

Known for their relentless energy and razor-sharp rock ‘n’ roll, Spirit Gun are back with their brand-new EP ‘The Antonym,’ bursting with an intense level of raw emotions, genre-bending, and punk energy like no other.

Forming in Norfolk, Virginia, Spirit Gun is a trio consisting of guitarist and frontman, Peter Overstreet, Oren Lev on drums and Anthony Burgess on bass guitar. Creating an anthemic EP, ‘The Antonym’ has sombre origins, it is an intimate tribute to the late Jeff Hewitt, following themes such as life, the city they reside, loss and moving past it.

‘9:30’ opens with a sudden explosion of soundusing repetition and chanting alongside vast vocals, drums, guitar, and bass perfectly captures an essence of punk with a hint of fury. Building up continuously it seems to resemble a fast-paced lifestyle, a night in the big city. This energetic track is an insight to their personas, giving a subtle element of chaos that will surely ignite a fire within.

‘The Antonym,’ the titular track of the EP, it boasts a thunderous bass and hard-hitting rhythmic drumming that perfectly complement the rapid guitar and perfectly encapsulates the rock genre. The track focuses on living life in the moment, making a change and welcoming it. The swift rhythm changes during the guitar solo, long and drawn out stepping away from the chaos and showing a stunning soul influence where Overstreet has listeners in the palm of his hand.

Starting as an ode to Oren’s old van, ‘No Reverse’ soon turned into a track all about life and moving forward.  The track opens with hard-hitting drums, throughout the track Oren only plays toms, kick, and snare drums giving the track a clanging effect, the impression that it is a little rough around the edges but that just adds to the rock ‘n’ roll and punk influences.

‘Shorty Red’ closes the EP, opening with the funk of Burgess on bass, with a cleverly timed beat of the kick drum giving the track a calm feeling. Though it starts with a somewhat upbeat groove, the rawness of Peter Overstreet’s vocals soon takes over and it is hypnotic, giving a sense of lamenting, a whirlwind of emotions that is endearing for listeners.

Fuelled by the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll and living the larger-than-life punk experience, Spirit Gun doesn’t just defy the rules in ‘The Antonym,’ they make them. Refusing to stick to one genre, they cleverly blend a punk-like fury with the calm dashes of soul and rock-like melodies which is refreshing and exciting to hear. Is there any wonder why this is a soon-to-be fan favourite?


Ana Joy King


Image: ‘The Antonym’ Official EP Cover


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