Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Dark and Mysterious: Winter Hell Releases ‘Blood of Love’

Winter Hell has an ominous presence that leads to an endearing and dreamy synth project that captivates listeners and this is no different in the latest track ‘Blood of Love’.

The track opens with a sudden hit of the drum that progresses into an instrumental reminiscent of The Cure meets a hint of Joy Division acting as a time machine back to 1980. There is a juxtaposition within the melody created by the heavy, intermediate drum beat and lighter-lifted guitar strumming, though different the two complement each other perfectly and play into the alt-rock meets indie style.

However, what makes ‘Blood of Love’ stand out is the sudden shift in sound, broken up by an ever-so-slight pause that is met by a burst of kinetic energy. Winter Hell use a dark synth to take ‘Blood of Love’ from having a slight hazy-ness to clear as day. The full-on gargantuan sound spark the imagination and has you bobbing your head and feeling the emotion that is projected through every inch of the track.

The vocals are rich and low in tone adding texture and contrast to the soundscape of the instrumentals. The distortion and echoes bring a sense of immortality, giving a sense of Sleep Token’s ‘Granite era,’ a melodic and dark track with a slight seduction to it.

‘Blood of Love’ is a stunning track with multiple layers and complexities to it. Merging two genres and sprinkling elements of the past Winter Hell have created something truly exciting and refreshing, a definite artist to watch out for.


Ana Joy King


Image: ‘An Exercise in Joy’ Official EP Cover

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