Soda Cracker Jesus is the alter-ego of singer, songwriter, and producer Rogan Lane. Known for electric and powerful anthems, Soda Cracker Jesus leaves listeners enchanted and lost in the music, this is no different with his latest single ‘One Day I Know’ a track that mixes a hint of psychedelic style with soft rock.
Heavily inspired by 70’s rock, Soda Cracker Jack uses soft guitars and a recurring drum beat creating an earworm melody that feels similar to David Bowie’s ‘Starman’. Soda Cracker Jack also shows influence from The Beatles’ ‘Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band’ with the high tones backing vocals really fitting in with rock style he has adapted for this track.
Though Soda Cracker Jack shows heavy influence from 70’s icons, he makes ‘One Day I Know’ so captivating is how intense and theatrical it is. Telling the tale of alcohol and drug use recovery. Soda Cracker Jesus uses emotive lyrics to paint a picture of hitting rock bottom but deep down having hope for the future. “One day I know, I will let it go…leaving all this hatred far behind”. The performance Lang gives is moving, showing the listener how deeply personal it is to him, singing from his own experiences.
Soda Cracker Jesus shows vulnerability and strength throughout ‘One Day I Know’, mixing together greens and other influences and putting his own stamp onto the track. It will no doubt strike deep with listeners and be a great comfort to others.
Ana Joy King
Image: ‘One Day I Know’ Official Single Cover