Thursday, October 19, 2023

Alex Lahey Performs a Passionate Last Show of Her UK Tour

Australian alternative artist, Alex Lahey bought her UK tour to a close in Birmingham on Monday as she performed with passion, creativity and talent. 

Her debut album ‘I Love You Like A Brother’ was released in 2017 and she has since toured the world with her gracious yet punchy vocals which you can hear at their prime on her latest record ‘The Answer Is Always Yes’

Lahey gave us a real insight into her discography as well as making the audience sing and smile the whole night.  

Alex Lahey opened her final show of the tour with vibrant and rocky tracks ‘You’ll Never Get Your Money Back’ and ‘They Wouldn’t Let Me In’ from her latest release before entering the 2016 Alex Lahey era with sensational indie pop anthem ‘Wes Anderson’. She explained that they rarely perform this track live and thank goodness they did because it was one of the highlights of the setlist. Alex’s powerful vocals combined with her bands muscular instrument playing made a perfect production during this song.  

Alex went on to perform more tracks from her exquisite new album and one of her finest performances of the night was her story about the track ‘Newsreader’. Alex explained to her audience that she was inspired by the newsreader she watched every morning during the pandemic and felt bad for her having to deliver such negative news every day, so she made her a song and said newsreader features on the song in the backing vocals! Lahey managed to make the whole show feel personal by taking time to tell us stories about the origin of her tracks and therefore making the whole night feel intimate and special.  

Alex Lahey’s pure creative and musical talent shone during one of her older tracks ‘Every Day’s The Weekend’. Everyone in that audience was bopping their heads to the song as Lahey and the band performed the energetic track with charisma and enthusiasm, as they did throughout the whole gig. Lahey then performed the inspirational title track from her most recent album ‘The Answer Is Always Yes’ before finishing the show (and her tour) with the bouncy single ‘I Haven’t Been Taking Care Of Myself’. Every person in that room was singing the lyrics back to Lahey making it an extra special moment of the night.  

Lahey performed her most loved tracks with spirit and heart which everyone in the audience admired. We can’t wait to see her back over here soon with more indie bangers! 

Alice Mason 

@alicemxson /@alicegoestogigs 

Image: ‘The Answer Is Always Yes’ Official Album Cover 

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