Sunday, May 12, 2024

13 Years Later: Panther Style Releases The Rock Anthem ‘Dynasty’

Thirteen years in the making, Panther Style return with a brand-new single on the cusp of releasing their upcoming EP. Unveiling the track ‘Dynasty,’ the band offer a poignant glimpse into the tediousness of navigating the world, the frustrations that follow and the potential consequences that getting too swept up may entail, leading to one’s self-destruction. 

Panther Style hails from Chicago, USA, founded by Jeanne McClure, Al Rodis, Dan Lutger, and Melissa Koehl, all veterans driven by a shared passion to craft irresistibly catchy songs with a powerful rock edge. Drawing inspiration from the pioneering sounds of Van Halen and New Order, their music is an explosive tube amp-driven energy, all anchored by a solid rhythmic foundation.

The unmistakable style shines through in the opening of 'Dynasty', where lively sound waves are driven by a commanding bass line and electrifying guitar fusion heavy with distortion, channelling the confidence of late 70s rock and early 80s hair metal.

As the instrumentals intensify throughout ‘Dynasty’, they culminate in a rich, dynamic opus. Panther Style skillfully integrates contrast into the vocal delivery, intertwining softness with gritty, distorted guitar riffs. The results? A compelling song that is simultaneously harsh and intense, yet also irresistibly catchy and tantalising.

Panther Style has crafted something remarkable with 'Dynasty', infusing a nostalgic sound with fresh elements that rejuvenate the spirit of the 80s. The result is a track that is thoroughly enjoyable to listen to, making the 13-year wait entirely worthwhile.

Ana Joy King


Image: ‘Dynasty’ Official Single Cover 

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