Monday, July 01, 2024

Interview: ANTHMZ

"Industrial strength R&B" quartet ANTHMZ are making waves in the punk-adjacent scene with the recent release of their debut single 'Soft Core'. Taken from their upcoming EP ('Summer Softcore') due out later this year, their emergence into the music scene boasts infectious lyrics, garage-rock instrumentation and layered alt-rock soundscapes. The culmination of other projects, the Atlanta-based ANTHMZ, despite having only one single and having recently played their first show (Athfest) have a evidently promising and fruitful career ahead of them. 

We sat down for a chat with ANTHMZ to discuss everything from their inception, their unique sound, and the UK venues they're hoping to visit on their first international tour next year.

Who are ANTHMZ? 

ANTHMZ was formed in the spring of 2023 when Houston ('B') and I (Kyle) started meeting up at my house to write songs together.  He and I were both fans of each others projects, Houston’s band Blood Plum and my group MammaBear had shared stages and recorded together many times and we wanted to make something new. B and I both had a bunch of half finished ideas so we shared them with each other and developed them into finished songs. We developed our writing style early on, B would make a beat on his drum machine and play the bass while I played guitar, we both sing.  

Your band originally started as a duo, what led to the decision of expanding and bringing in more members? 

During the summer of 2023 we were writing the songs that would become our first EP ‘Summer Softcore’ and we had a system of finishing a song together and B would take the idea home and make a home demo that night. It was really great to know that whatever we came up B would develop into a working tune that would then get us to the next stage in that songs path to completeness.  We toyed around with the idea of staying a 2 piece and using the drum machine, but we both prefer a full band with minimal technology involved in a live show so that idea didn’t last long.  B is in a band called Heavy Mojo and the drummer Mark ——— was interested in hearing what we were up to. We got him to come to a practice and we knew immediately that we wanted him in the band as the songs took on a much more organic sound with him playing them instead of a drum machine.  About a month later we decided to get another player in the group, someone that could play keys and guitar while also doing harmonies. B’s friend and fellow member of Blood Plums Matt ——— was the perfect fit, and he has added a lot of personality to the songs.  

You’ve just released your debut single ‘Soft Core – what can you tell us about this project? 

Soft Core is our first single and a song that B and I both agreed should represent our early sound.  Soft Core was one of our first collaborations and we agreed that it was strong enough to put out as our first song.  The song was recorded live to tape under the watchful eye of Kristopher Sampson in Atlanta Ga at his home studio Bee Sting Manner.  The day we recorded I got very sick and couldn’t make the session, so B, Matt and Mark went in and tracked three songs live and I came one week later to add my guitar part and for B and I to record the vocals.  It was so much fun tracking to tape, something people don’t always have an opportunity to do or frankly the skill level to accomplish as it is far less forgiving then digital recording.  We went in and owned it, I’m proud of that.  

We love your punk meets garage rock sound - are there any artists or bands who have particularly influenced your music?

B and I both love early R&B, garage and punk music. We particularly love The Who.

You’re set to go on your first international tour next year – are there any cities or venues that you’re particularly excited to visit?

 In the last 2 years my group MammaBear has toured the UK and we even had the opportunity to record in October of 2022 at Abbey Road in London.  I’m going to get ANTHMZ over there next year and it’s going to be totally crazy.  We will definitely hit up the UK and Scotland, and I’m hoping to get us to the Low Countries, France and Germany as well.  I really love Sotto in Liverpool, the Camden Eye in London, and I just  adore The Hot Box in Chelmsford.  Stay in touch with us and we’ll see you in real time sooner then later.  

What does the rest of 2024 look like for ANTHMZ?

We have a busy year ahead of us! We are tracking four songs live at a church in Atlanta that B’s family built in the 1950’s. Kristopher Sampson our producer and all around great friend will be manning the 1/4” tape machine and filming us while we record the last four songs of our upcoming EP ‘Summer Softcore’. We made a music video for our single ‘Soft Core’ and we will have another one based off the filming at the church next weekend 6/29.  

We just played our first show ever in Athens GA during the popular annual Athfest Music Festival. We are scheduled to tape a music pod cast called Ditty Deep Dive in Atlanta ga. and we have a show announcement for our EP release coming up soon! B and I are going to start finishing up the songs that will make our follow up release to ‘Summer Softcore’ EP and we’ll be tracking those this autumn.

Sum up your sound in three words. 

Industrial Strength R&B

Lana Williams


Image: 'Soft Core' Official Single Cover

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