Thursday, July 18, 2024

Katy J Pearson Isn’t Just A Singer, She’s The ‘Sky’ Too

With a song named after something as comforting and relaxing as the sky, it’s only fitting that this new single from British singer-songwriter Katy J Pearson reflects these same values.

'Sky' opens with soothing vocals from the artist, the lyrics tell a story of overcoming hardship and finding new ways to build up confidence, something that everyone needs to hear every once in a while.

When the bass arrives just before the chorus, a whole new dynamic is added to the song. Although the soft and mellow nature of the track remains, the deeper tones provided by the bass create a cushion for the music, almost like a bed of pearl-white clouds in a picture-esque light-blue sky.

The use of an electric guitar is also prominent and helps build this light and airy mood. A psychedelic-twang is coming from the guitar too, rapidly ascending from a lower to a higher pitch, similar to the climb and drop experienced on a rollercoaster. Pearson has considered every possible element she could to relate this to the song’s atmospheric name, and it has paid off.

If the vocals and instrumental aren’t enough to persuade you into the Bristol-based singer’s work, she talks to her audience through her lyrics. With the line, “Look how I go / I’m an Eagle / I am the sky,” Pearson wants her listeners to be attentive to the music she creates.

Pearson is not only a compelling singer but a great narrator, too.  It’s only a huge shame that there isn’t a ‘Sky (Never-ending Version).’

Thomas Melia


Image: 'Someday, Now' Official Album Cover


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