Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Feeling Experimental? Infinitefreefall Takes You Down That Road With ‘Desecrated Landscape’

Hailing out of South Carolina comes a new act, Infinitefreefall, their version of experimental pop

They have years of experience in music production under other names that have generated lots of listens and support for their approach towards making unique music blends. Dare we say, it’s very revolutionary and powerful. There’s no denying that they take inspiration from other genres to bend and blend them into their own experimental sensation. 

Their latest single, ‘Desecrated Landscape’, presents their case of who they are to the music industry.

As we listened to this project, we found ourselves pulled in with intrigue - the layering of the synths over the live band playing is always an ear-catching moment. The sonic development of this song with the buzzing synth, electronic sound effects, the rhythm guitar warped under a pedal and the drums and bass guitar dancing their duet as a bass line set the scene that set the scene of the single. 

When we say set the scene of the single, we mean that collectively, the sound choices do something interesting to give the vocals an edge. Let’s back up for a moment before we dive into that. 

Infinitefreefall, as mentioned before, likes to bend and blend genres from psychedelic rock, shoegaze, and garage punk. However, surf rock is one thing additionally we picked up from this tune. Now imagine the experience of a distorted surf-rock track; think ‘Confidence’ by Ocean Alley, but make it heavier, slightly darker toned, and grainier. That’s the experience of ‘Desecrated Landscape’; it takes surf rock, pop, and psychedelic rock and makes it dystopian.

Returning to the relationship between the sound choices and the vocals, it makes it abundantly clear how the dystopian landscape pairs with a more emotionally stressed and distressed singing voice. Words being sung on repeat, “I thought it would be easy”, provide all the insight that we as a listener and what you will soon experience as a listener need to know. The ambiguity of what is desecrated is up for interpretation. It made us wonder how it could be taken - is it a landscape burnt to the ground and in ruins? Or is it how our mind tricks us, sending us into distress and impacting our understanding and perspectives of the world? 

It’s almost unnerving, as surf rock (and pop) has more major melodic sounds that are more positively aligned in our minds. Meanwhile, this twist makes us stop and think about the sonic and cognitive dissonance that this incredible piece of music is unveiling. This piece of work will have you reconsider what landscapes, figuratively or literally, you see as crumbling, violated, and disrespected over time as the truth unfolds. There is a more significant meaning woven into the production of this track that makes us more keen for what’s up and next for this group. No matter your interpretation and how you walk away from this song, we feel you will be itching for more experimental pop from this band and others like them, such as Kosmetika from Melbourne, Australia.

Infinitefreefall - keep us in the loop for future tunes; just like your current and soon-to-be new listeners, we are ready to continue diving into your world! 

Tyra Baker


Image: ‘Desecrated Landscape’ Official Single Cover 

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