Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Gaining Perspective with The Whistling Heads’ ‘Lullaby Lady’

Following their latest 2023 album ‘Dull Boy’, The Whistling Heads have released their 4th single of 2024 with ‘Lullaby Lady’.

The four-piece describes their music as a “mould of guitars, bass and drums in a chaotic cloud of noise and their latest offering certainly follows suit. A pulsing bass immediately sets the tone of the track, inducing an intense, almost anxious and desperate feeling, making it an immediate earworm. The complimentary smooth-sliding electric guitars and racing drums further propel the instrumentation into a driving, fast-paced three minutes of inescapable alternative post-punk.

Lyrically, the track has an observational perspective on said ‘Lullaby Lady’ and her many passing thoughts, actions, and ideas. It leans into this idea of main character syndrome that becomes synonymous with taking ownership of your life as you get older and unapologetically embracing that freedom: “You can be someone / you can be in love / you can be downtown / you can be home / you can be okay / you can be alone / you can be anything you always wanted in the world”.

Released with independent label, Disasters By Choice, The Whistling Heads have also released an accompanying psychedelic DIY lyric video too, allowing listeners to also truly tap into the world of their ‘Lullaby Lady’.

Originally hailing from the Sicilian city of Messina, The Whistling Heads are no stranger to engaging a live audience after impressing many across various Italian venues and tours. However, they seem to be on a mission to bring their energetic powerhouse performances to Europe too; they recently completed a UK tour in April this year and have been announced to play at Automatic Music Festival in Amsterdam next year.

Rachel Feehan

@rachiefee @rachel_feehan

Image: ‘Lullaby Lady’ Official Single Cover

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