Saturday, January 25, 2025

‘One Way Ticket’: The Introduction to Biig Piig's New Intimate Album

Biig Piigs latest single ‘One Way Ticket’ gently introduces the listener to her upcoming album ‘11:11’, due out 7th February, 2025. 

Biig Piig (Jessica Smyth’s stage moniker) has built up a large repertoire of work, collaborating with the likes of Lava La Rue and Kojaque. Her relaxed and joyful way of singing lures in the listener with a bobbing of the head, a tapping of the foot, encompassing those summer vibes we all long for. ‘One Way Ticket’ is no exception, though it is one of her slower tempoed songs, reminiscent of Maribou State and Holly Walker

A personal journey of grief, growth and becoming the person she is today, this single is a letter to someone from Smyth’s past, she mournfully wishes that they could see her now, knowing that they would say "I told ya", believing she would reach her dreams, and here she is, at a point in her life where this song seems so poignant- living in West London, following her artistic ambitions.

This song invites us into her more private world and encourages us to be grateful for what we have and to find joy wherever we can.  She’s singing of a longing for the companion she’s lost ‘you were all I had’ but with an acceptance that to move forward and “to find my home”, whilst mourning the past she can hold onto those affirmations and find meaning in the present. 

‘One Way Ticket’ begins with a slow guitar riff, leading into a steady drumbeat as the soft lyrics of the chorus begin. This fixed rhythm creates a sense of security within the song, linking well to the themes of moving forwards and not turning “back for no one”. As long as the beat continues, so too can Smyth’s journey into the future. The simplicity of the music leads the listener to really focus on the lyrics and message of the song.

This single promises a vulnerable new album, through the use of the indie dance beats we know and love from Biig Piig.

Marty Rigby


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