Monday, October 16, 2017

Cleagreen 14/10/17

Venue; Rebellion Rock Bar, Manchester
Status; Sold-Out

Cleargreen are an up-and-coming four-piece indie rock band from Manchester who first shot onto the radar with their hit single 'Burnsey'. With vocals and guitar from Ali Staley, Jack Blair on lead guitar, Tyrone Heeley with drums, and Liam McIver on bass - supported by Sollo and Sauce - and a sold-out headline gig, these guys never fail to disappoint. Cleargreen cast a wide net and caught a wide variety of fans, of all age groups, all of whom joined together to sing along to the guy's catchy lyrics.

It's amazing to see how the crowd changes, evolves and the groups throughout the venue vary, from the teenagers at the front, getting on each-others shoulders, throwing their heads back and shouting the lyrics, starting mosh-pits and dancing around, to 30-odd year old women standing on tables with pints in their hands donning the bands merchandise. The venue was so packed you could barely breathe, I can definitely see them playing a bigger venue in the near future. Their most recent single 'Stargazer' was greeted with a warm and enthusiastic welcome by fans, you can listen to it here on Spotify.

I guarantee that these guys have more up their sleeves and have big things in store for fans and newbies alike, watch this space!


Clear Green are embarking on a gig at Manchester's Sound Control, supporting Sollo at their first headline concert, tickets are £5.50 including booking fees, click here for more info!!!