Monday, January 29, 2018

Xenith - An Interview

Xenith are an American brother-sister band that specialise in psychedelic tunes and wicked guitar riffs and drum beats. Like Sunflower Bean and Wolf Alice? Give these guys a try.

When I think Xenith, I think 'Zenith' - an astronomical term. Where did you get your band name from and what is it's meaning?

Zenith is the highest point in heaven raised by the heavens by a celestial body. We named the band Xenith because Nirvana was already taken and we had to find something just as good or closer! (haha) The story also goes as we were driving down the street, and we looked up and saw a sign that said “Zenith” and it intrigued us. We looked up the definition and knew it was a perfect fit for our band and what our vision was. So we changed the Z to a X to make it our own and different!

Music artist wise - who are your inspirations?

Inspiration wise, we have a very eclectic selection of bands. Number one starting with Nirvana, when I first heard Nirvana it completely changed my life and my brothers. We also love 70s/80s rock, specifically Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath,Flock of Seagulls, INXS, Gary Numan, Billy Idol, Metallica also lots of 90s rock like the Smashing Pumpkins, Stone Temple Pilots, Foo Fighters, along with today’s rock like Cage the Elephant, Fazerdaze, SunFlower Bean and Wolf Alice. If it sounds good, we dig it.

If you could collaborate with any musician who would it be?

I would say we have a lot of musicians that we would love to collaborate with, but out of everyone we would love to work with Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Grohl, Ozzy, Fazerdaze or SunFlower Bean. There are so many musicians/bands to pick from that we would love and be open to working with someday though!

What's the story behind your new single 'Sabotaged'?

When we were starting out, there was a lot of jealousy and animosity from other musicians that was unfounded. Some people just don’t want to see you succeed, so they Sabotage your work and they Sabotage it with words. But it helped us write the song and we’re very proud! (Long story short)

I honestly adore your album 'Run', it's my go-to album when I need a cheer up (p.s. run actually gives me chills), what's the reaction been like from fans?

Thank you so much! It means a lot to us that you like the album, and especially the song Run! Run comes from a very dark place, mostly everyone can relate to the song because when I wrote it, I was getting over a very depressed time in my life where I didn’t know who I was, but after I wrote Run I was free. Everybody was so surprised when we made the album, and we just did it. We wanted to play something else besides covers so we decided to write our original music. The reaction was fantastic, we got so much love and support and we feel like everyone who’s heard it really liked it! It’s been a wild journey and we hope everyone continues the nice support.

Your riffs and drums are actually insanely amazing, what's your song writing process?

We started out jamming on random riffs and we would write the actual music before writing the lyrics. Actually, some of the lyrics, like “Tears Are Flowing” I wrote over 3 years ago and brought in to the band and my brother had written a riff to it and it all came together. So usually, I would write the lyrics and bring them into the band once we had gotten the music down. It all would come together perfectly,  and when we did had rough practices it would all come together in the end. But all together it’s definitely been a magical experience.

If you could play anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Anywhere but here! Definitely Europe, I think overall we would love to tour in Europe someday. We also would love to play some shows in Seattle, WA and Brooklyn, NY.

You guys have a lot of variety, from slower songs like 'Run', to heavy tunes such as 'Beaver', are your song lyrics taken from personal experience or just pure creativity?

Mostly you have to experience to write, but at the same time we have just made up songs out of creativity. It’s definitely a mixture of both of to two.
Anything in the works for fans to look forward to?

Yes, as a matter of fact we’ve written a few songs since the album. We’re looking to experiment with our sound, and add new adjustments. We also have a new music video coming out for our song “Maybe”. Stayed tuned! ⭐️

For anyone who's never listened to you guys before; Describe your band/ music in three words.

Band - Passionate, eccentric, eager
Music - Emotional, Energetic, eclectic

You can find Xenith here;
