Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September's New Releases

Lewis Del Mar- The Ceiling

To start off my favourite new releases of September I wanted to add in a song by Lewis Del Mar called The Ceiling. Technically this wasn’t released this month but as I missed out last months, I felt I should include this track as it has been one of my favourite new songs this year. 

Lewis Del Mar is made up of two lifelong friends Max Harwood and Danny Miller. I first came across Lewis Del Mar in 2016 and immediately connected with their music and the new album August
held up to my expectations. In October 2016 RollingStone Magazine described Lewis Del Mar’s sound as “A beachside dreamscape with acoustic guitars and electronic drums washing up on shore.

Porridge Radio- 7 Seconds

There is something about Porridge Radio that I think will always draw me to them, I’m not quite sure what specifically does this. Dana Marrgolin’s angsty yet beautiful voice tells stories so idyllically and this is clear when listening to their new song 7 Seconds. The end of the song was written as the idea of a conversation between two different versions of yourself. This track is one you could dance around your room to after a hard day.

IDLES- Grounds

IDLES new album Ultra Mono was everything I had hoped for. I saw them play at Truck Festival in 2019 just after their nomination for the Mercury Prize Award and front man Joe Talbot expressed his gratitude to being given a platform to express their feelings and views on today society. This song specifically personifies the social themes of injustice. 

Its eruption of dirty guitar tones and Joe’s gritty loud voice creates the atmosphere of a riot. I can only imagine the energy they would create during a live performance during their next tour.

Palace- I’ll Be Fine

Palaces new single captures a calming sense of summer becoming winter, which makes the timing of this release perfect. This song was written and recorded during lockdown; the three musicians recorded
their parts separately with the equipment they had access to. I feel this songs constructions and lyrics resembles lockdown, the three individuals recording on their own yet creating a track together that is so beautiful. 

The lyrics sung Lead vocalist Leo Wyndham’s voice are so peaceful yet sad, a massive contrast to the last song Grounds that I have written about.

King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard- Straws In The Wind

The first time I ever heard King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard was at End of The Road Festival, the pivotal point in the set was them asking everyone to get on the floor- and I turned to my left and even my mum was doing it which was very rare. This showed to me their ability to capture and audience with their music and their large presence. Their obscure sound they create with their mixtures of genres often flings you back to the various sounds that were present in the 60’s.

- Bella Scott
