Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Help Save the live music industry

It’s no secret that this year has hit the music industry hard. With an absence of live performances and festivals. This pandemic has definitely taken a toll on the music industry. Venue owners and independent artists have all suffered a great loss. 

The UK music industry contributes to 5.2 billion to the economy annually and employs almost 200,000 jobs. The music industry is calling for the government's support as without it the industry will fall and musicians will lose their livelihood. 

With the industry suffering this huge loss , the hashtag #letthemusicplay has been trending along with #saveourvenues but what do these hashtags mean? 

Let The Music play is a campaign started by UK Live Music Group in  July 2020 a plea to the UK government to notice the importance of this sector. 

Bands and Artists of all genres have been supporting this movement such as Paul McCartney, Skepta and The Libertines. 

Along with the #letthemusicplay campaign the #saveourvenues campaign was launched by the Music Venue Trust, in a bid to save ‘grassroot’ venues in the uk.  The campaign is hoping to reach artists and fans alike and in order to save these venues. 

Mark Davyd the founder of the Music Venue Trust said in a statement. 

“We cannot stress enough how critical it is that the music industry supports the #saveourvenues campaign as without them over 500 of the UK’s grassroots music venues could go out of business, never to return” 

Some ways you can support your local music scene in these hard times are by engaging in the #saveourvenues and #letthemusicplay hashtags, accessing live streaming gigs and donating to their local venues crowd funding page. 

If you’d like to find out more information on how to support your local venues I’ve attached the link to The Music Venue Trust website below.   

Holly Sawal
