Thursday, October 01, 2020

MEET... Larkins

Larkins @ The Zanzibar | Gig Review - Liverpool Guild Student Media |  Liverpool Guild Student Media

Larkins, the Manchester-based 4-piece, who make writing catchy indie-pop songs look like a walk in the park.

Larkins, made up of Josh Noble, Dom Want, Henry Beach and Joe Gaskell, are already making themselves heard. A massive sold-out show at Albert Hall in Manchester last March and the announcement of Manchester Academy for this April (which was unfortunately cancelled due to the current COVID-19 situation), both of which precede their debut album, show that these guys are only heading in one direction.

It’s not only just their live shows which show the ambition that this band has; everything about the band mirrors this. They have arena-ready tunes, their own Manchester-based Studio, a live album from their Albert Hall show, cinematic music videos and their own clothing line Animals in Costume, and I wouldn’t put it past them to have something else massive up their sleeves.

Their glistening indie-pop sound, huge choruses and adopted Manchester identity seems to show lots of similarities to The 1975, but with Larkins already broad range of songs, it won’t be long before they are snapping at the heels of Matty Healy and Co. Powerful, shout-along songs include Hit & Run and Wasted Years, which delve into the older parts of their discography, as well as their latest release, Are We Having Any Fun Yet? TV Dream, Sugar Sweet and Not Enough Love provide the aforementioned anthemic, huge choruses, whilst Something Beautiful and Pink & Blue make you want to show off some dodgy moves.

Even though COVID-19 resulted in their April tour being pushed back to December (again COVID permitting), they’ve found ways to keep themselves entertained until they could go back to their studio. The first few weeks of lockdown found them providing entertainment for their fans through Instagram live podcasts with members of their team, livestream shows and guitar lessons. More recently their time has been focused on being back in the studio; even then, not all this time has been focused on writing new bangers. They’ve been getting up to various shenanigans over on their Tiktok account, such as setting up a fish tank in their studio, showing off their large range of fashion and build a bar out of pallets in their studio.

Everything about this band seems incredibly exciting. They are doing things their way and its certainly working out for them.

- Robert Graham
Twitter @robbi______