Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Warmduscher: Khaki Tears - Review

Warmduscher: Khaki Tears (Zoetrope Picture Disc)

With the release of this epic album on an all new exclusive vinyl, it is time to step back 5 years and enjoy it with fresh eyes again. Khaki Tears is Warmduscher’s debut album as an amalgamation of members of Fat White Family and Paranoid London.

It is in your face. It is intense. It is deliciously deranged.

‘Johnny’s Blue Khaki’ opens the album in a heavily bass driven manner. Panic stricken guitars open the themes of Vietnam discussed throughout this album, echoing the khaki in question. ‘The Salamander’ and ‘Uncle Sleepover’ progress the album into incomprehensible motions of heavy electronica and post-punk feels.

This album is a prime example of the resurgence of politically gendered bands as tracks like ‘Hair Tongue’ and ‘Roger’s Gills’ reek chaos, imitating the jungle napalm devastation, and ultimately the demise of the American dream.

Ending with’ Gold Teeth’, this tracks mirrors the parent bands of Warmduscher, closing this haphazard storm with an element of calm.

Despite every track being relatively short, the splinter group has not sacrificed quality, simply condensed it. Khaki tears is an experience beyond words. 

Go confront it yourself !

- Mollie German
