Friday, December 04, 2020

Paris Paloma captivates with her new single Ocean Baby.

Right before you hear a new song from a new artist there is always a sense of excited anticipation as your finger hovers above the play button but I never expected to be so completely engulfed into a song. I mean head first, Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole style. 

Ocean Baby is a love song, the only one Paloma has ever written and she describes it as a “celebration of the beauty you are able to see in one person when you love them” (Fierce & Fabulous Revolution). This is evident in her lyrics, they capture the small moments; looking at that person, swimming, them snoring. 

And that’s where love and life really is, in those moments, the small, seemingly insignificant ones. 

The 20 year old singer, songwriter, poet and visual artist describes her musical style as “dark-pop or anti-pop, with folksy and poetic influences” and cites one of the inspirations for the song as Pre-Raphaelite and Romantic paintings, especially those of John Singer Sargent and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Both of which are primarily portrait artists and that’s what a love song often is, isn’t it? A portrait of a person. 

Paloma is studying Fine Art and History of Art at university alongside her music career which undoubtedly attributes to her ability to so thoroughly and eloquently construct an entire world within her music. 

Perhaps it’s the juxtaposition of the small bit of dialogue right at the beginning of the song before Paloma’s dreamy vocals kick in that suddenly transports you and immerses you into her story. 

The colourful textures and dynamics within the song ever evolving the world Paloma is painting for us, from the deep beats of the drums to the fireworks, camera clicks and laughing echoing in the background letting us be engrossed in these momentary snapshots whilst simultaneously bringing us back to Earth. 

Paloma describes the main message of the song as “its okay to romanticise your life, write poetry and songs about the people you love, even just in your head. Life is too short to not seek out the beauty and adventure in everything.” And I’d say job well done because within the first ten seconds I was already the main character in an indie coming of age film montage. 

Ocean Baby’s release on November 19 couldn’t have come at a better time. With COVID-19 and Brexit talks hanging heavy in the air, our need for escapism is at an all time high. But the song not only lets us escape but allows us to remember how beautiful our own lives are. Yes, even now and maybe even more so now. 

The music video, shot by Matt Butler, is the perfect accompaniment for the single. Shot in Brighton, the scenes by the beach with the waves are mesmerising. Watch here:

In conclusion, Paris Paloma. Please. We need more!


Image: Matt Butler