An up-and-coming band based in the West Midlands; Gardner Leonard have released another single after getting down to serious work in 2020. Making the use of the strange year it was they have been releasing new music at a fast pace.
The alternative pop-punk/emo duo have come smashing through the gates to showcase their amazing music. Conspiracy is yet another single from their debut album Milquetoast, the second to be found on the album which is markedly different from the first Wish It Was Me. Conspiracy was released on New Years Day and is a brilliant way to ring in the new year.
Conspiracy fits in well with the rest of the album, with the use of a pre-chorus to maintain momentum and build the energy of the listener, it is an easy song to dance along to. As much as it feels cliché to compare this band with a more well-known group, Conspiracy in particular reminds me of The Only Exception by Paramore. It has a similar feel but is different enough to be just as enjoyable.
The duo claim Paramore, Funeral for a Friend and Tonight Alive as inspirations for their music and that comes through in their music. Catchy tunes, danceability yet hard-hitting lyrics make the perfect combination to blast out while in any mood.
Conspiracy showcases the best of the duo, pairing strong vocals with impressive instrumentation. The video that has been released alongside this song shows the duo in their element, whether its impressive vocals or smashing out a hit on guitar. This song stands out from the album at large as a memorable tune destined for sold-out gigs and pub singalongs, hopefully in the not-too-distant future.
Jenna Louise Barrett
@jlbarrettwriter – Twitter
@jlbarrett_writer – Instagram
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