Saint Raymond drops his latest single ‘Soft Landing’ in anticipation of his latest album ‘We Forgot We Were Dreaming’ (releasing April 16th), his first full release in six years.
Despite a year of worldwide tour cancelations and postponements, the Nottingham based singer-songwriter has been busy, releasing six singles since May of 2020 in the run up to his new album. Gaining his name by mixing the street he grew up on and his grandfather’s name, Saint Raymond (real name is Callum Burrows) received early support from BBC Introducing and landed a spot on the introducing stage at Reading and Leeds back in 2013, before signing a deal with Asylum Records.
His Indie rock/pop sound found a fan in presenter Zane Lowe, who named his single ‘Young Blood’ the now-famed 'Hottest Record in The World'. Burrows opened for Ed Sheeran for the U.K and Europe dates of the ‘Multiply’ tour in 2014 and released his debut album the following year.
His latest single follows the signature Saint Raymond sound and continues with the themes found in the past six singles realised since May.
Looking for a “soft landing” Burrows wants to put off his obligations, stating “I don’t wanna work the room tonight, I just wanna be by your side”. Plucky, quiet synthesisers and a dipping bassline kick start the song before the introduction of soft guitar and hard-hitting drums as the first bridge hits. Like many of his tracks, the track builds sonically, quietening only for the verses, before the return of the aforementioned signature big drums and layered vocals for the chorus’. The original riff heard as the first lyrics are sung repeats throughout, only to cut out towards the end, leaving just vocals and guitar to finish the song.
The music video for the song sees Burrows sat in the back of a pick-up truck as it cruses down country lanes as he sings along. As the track ends, he jumps out, leaving his presumed love interest to ride off alone.
Judging this against his work released since May, there is a clear theme for this new release, both musically and lyrically and if the rest of the tracks are anything like the six released since May, this new album is not one to be missed.
Dan Jones
Image rights: Olakolai, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons