Friday, April 16, 2021

Liverpool-based Pizzagirl releases new single ‘car freshener aftershave’ ahead of upcoming album ‘softcore mourn’

Pizzagirl (real name Liam Brown), has announced news of his second album to come. Alongside this, he has released a first glimpse of the new record through the first single ‘car freshener aftershave’, which is out now.  It is the first music from Pizzagirl since his debut album ‘first timer’ in 2019 which was a critical success, with quirkiness being the star of his style that shone through.

Described by Pizzagirl himself as a break-up song, the first single of his sophomore album looks set to continue an emotional deep dive of lyrics. However, he still keeps it fun with the sonic upbeat instrumental layered with the vocals.

This explosive return is what we need after such a dull past year, and Pizzagirl delivers as you would expect. The song’s upbeat momentum makes it so infectious to listen to, and the catchy lyrics (“The California motel vomit / It’s like a Jackson Pollock / The California motel vomit / It wasn’t me I, promise”) themselves promise everything that you would want from the new track.

These lyrics, sang in the warped, lo-fi vocals of Brown are accompanied well by the contrast of the fast tempo, indie-synth sounds which are a nostalgic throwback to the early 2000s. Layers of instruments are continuously added throughout the track, culminating into an audible breaking point. The continuation of the lyrics about “California motel vomit” are heard over and over again until it is all you can think about. 

It would be best illustrated as though LCD Soundsystem met indie rock, but there are similarities to Ariel Pink that can also be heard. It could be a very exciting year for Pizzagirl with this as the first single to be released from him this year. The album ‘softcore mourn’ is to follow with a release date of July 16th via Heist or Hit. If the second album is anything like the first, then we are in for a treat. 

 - Josh Bailey-Lee

