Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Time to go back to college with BLOXX's new single "Everything I've Ever Learned"

The school clock has struck for BLOXX’s Show and Tell hour. So, grab your old school Vans, a tie, your favourite t-shirt, and possibly a Misfits jacket. Ophelia, Taz, Moz, and Paul are ready to teach us real-life lessons, outside college walls. Sex is not a crime, and you will get your heart broken at 23.  

Starting out with their funky debut LP Lie Out Loud, released last year, BLOXX are back, sounding as confident as they’ve ever been. ‘Everything I’ve Ever Learned’ has an explosive chorus that pounds away life uncertainty, making this tune one of the best indie-rock anthems of this year. Made by a simple yet snappy intro with a wild rising bridge as a plus, this teen-pop song is 'What You Needed'. Not to mention one of the best artworks so far, with a hidden Boris Johnson’s ‘BLOO Passport’ joke. 

“This song was really important in my journey to stop trying to understand everything, and to just accept the cards you’re dealt and make it work for you. It faces the trials of life, and everything that you wish you’d have been taught before having to face it all brutally, in the real world”, said BLOXX’s lead singer Ophelia about 'EIEL'¹. If you’re feeling emo again after listening to this whirl of crazy guitar riffs and jolly basslines, that’s okay. Seems like BLOXX are ready to kick off the summer festival stages. The trio will join SiriusXM and Live Nation’s Alt Nation’s Advanced Placement Tour on June 12th, in San Diego. “We all have dreams individually as musicians and as a band that we want to be an amazing band that people like to listen to and get down to. There’s nothing better than playing a show and seeing people enjoy themselves, so if we could do that in front of ten thousand people at Wembley Arena, then it would be a dream come true."²

PS. Please BLOXX, tell us how to hack a Macintosh. 

Martina Bovetta

https://www.linkedin.com/in/martina-bovetta-104504184 https://www.facebook.com/Lulinabulin

1. Bloxx return with new single ‘Everything I’ve Ever Learned’ Indie is Not a Genre. 25 March 2021. Retrieved 31 March 2021.


Image link: https://twitter.com/bloxxband Official Single Cover