Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cloudy Summer Days Takes us to Dreamland

American Alt-Indie artist, Cloudy Summer Days, has produced another dreamy, mellow song to immerse yourself in, with Love is in the Air’. 

The track begins with an echoing synth bassline that permeates through its duration, followed by a high tempo, yet light drumbeat. These are the two key components to the euphoric atmosphere of ‘Love is in the Air’. The track could easily be compared to the musical style of Tame Impala or Pond.

Cloudy Summer Days’ vocals are suitably drawling and blend with the instrumental soundscape very well. The vocals are not the strongest part of the song, but they are immaculately produced, and they help the track feel more complete. 

Cloudy Summer Days writes, performs, and produces all his work and it shows. Everything comes together like a jigsaw on this track – nothing feels out of place.

‘Love is in the Air’ is not a complex track by any means, which is to be expected – it is the work of one man, after all. It doesn’t try to be anything more than what is it, which works in its favour. While some may call it too minimalist or simplistic, this economic approach allows for a much more vibrant psychedelic effect, whilst retaining its easy listening vibes.

Although the track is not Cloudy Summer Days’ best or most memorable work, it’s inoffensive at worst. At best, it’s a great song to relax to that will put a smile on your face during your darkest days. A catchy, feel-good song that strays far from any cheesy, poppy tropes. This is a hearty little single that is very comfortable to listen to.  

Jimmy Johnson

Image: Love is in the Air Official Artwork