Louder Than War had once proclaimed that Manchester psych-rockers The Creature Comforts should be “held in the same high esteem as Joy Division, Stone Roses, Oasis”.
While their oeuvre so far has been so much more diverse, even comparable with that of The Velvet Underground, such as in the track ‘Cool Spot’, or channelling easy foot-tapping pop-rock as evident in the track ‘Sauce’, the Louder Than War proclamation seems confirmed in the band's latest track titled ‘And You Know It’.
Narrating a tale of a fallen angel seeking “a little peace, love, and understanding”, the moody track seems to truly draw serious inspiration from Joy Division.
Instead of merely replicating the kind of tempo and baritone vocals that Joy Division is praised, even parodied for, the track taps into emotionally moody energy while sonically uplifting it into the realm of layered and textured alternative rock, which is slightly different than a possibly lighter approach in the past.