Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Aditya Rao Unveils Dreamy Debut Single ‘Shattered Reflection’

Based out of Chennai, India, eighteen-year-old Aditya Rao is an alternative singer-songwriter who is making his mark on the industry with his debut single, ‘Shattered Reflection’. 

‘Shattered Reflection’ begins by opening itself up into a slow, synth-driven pace, naturally leading the song in with a bright and spacey ambiance.

Highlighting a droning, airy electric guitar lead, the music moves in an almost liquid manner, allowing the listener to float along as Rao’s vocals enter the scene.

The vocal melody naturally falls into a cadence that is somewhat reminiscent of Twenty One Pilots, utilizing tonality that somehow feels almost apathetic but not lacking in intimacy. The instrumentation, as well, is completely encompassing and lures you in with a visceral, dream-like quality.

Despite this being his first single, Aditya Rao is no stranger to musicianship. Prior to this release, Rao regularly showcased his talents on Instagram, putting together several videos covering other well-known artists. A multi-instrumentalist proficient in vocals, bass guitar, and drums, he began to build his career by performing at popular events such as IIT Saarang 2020 and Unwind Live 101. He has stated that over the course of his life, he has been a fan of multiple diverse genres, from classic rock, to death metal, to alternative and more. Utilizing this variation as an asset, his diverse musical background shines through in ‘Shattered Reflection’ as a foundation upon which his creativity resides. 

The track becomes even more impressive when paired with the knowledge that it was written, recorded, and produced entirely by Rao at home. 

With every piece fluidly moving in line with the next, this song sounds like an impressionist painting looks: everything is beautiful, everything is in its proper place, and not one aspect overshadows or drowns out the rest. ‘Shattered Reflection’ is a wonderful showcase of ability, highlighting the immense amount of potential Rao is undoubtedly equipped with. 

Fans of artists like Tame Impala, Bon Iver, Twenty One Pilots, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, will without a doubt feel at home with this track, so if you like what you hear, stick around: Aditya Rao has plans to release more singles in the near future, so be sure to follow, and expect that more great things will come soon! 

Addison Rider


Image: Shattered Reflection Official Single Cover (PRESS)