Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Come along for ‘The Ride’ with Charlie Moss’ latest feel-good single

Brighton-based musician Charlie Moss’ latest single ‘The Ride’ is the feel-good indie-pop anthem that needs blasting through the speakers at every summer barbecue this year. 

Taking influences from The 1975, Vampire Weekend, Saint Raymond, and Sea Girls, Moss’ eighth single is whole-heartedly relatable with all the unsettling anxieties of the past year. The singer juxtaposes lyrics full of emotional connotations with uplifting symphonies to produce a track that is guaranteed to bring out a smile and perhaps even a dance too.

The relatable crowd-pleaser relays an existential dialogue asking: “Are we born to live or born to die?”  – the answer  “Who knows but we’re staying on for the ride”.  

The song follows a faster tempo than Moss’ previous tracks, insisting on a higher bass background to produce a more sanguine experience. Listeners will not be disappointed as Moss’ signature vocals and catchy lyrics have not been lost in this single, rather being sped up and amplified further to create some of the artist’s greatest work to date. 

It appears that due the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lack of live performances has grounded Moss for 2020, but with a headline performance already booked for The Hope & Ruin in Brighton this summer, it is clear that the local artist is determined to bounce back. 

The July 31st concert is set to be Moss’ biggest solo show to date but is sure to follow in the footsteps of his previous performances as a supporting act for The Sherlocks and Maisie Peters, this time with more original music and a warmer embrace than pre-pandemic.  

It’s no surprise that Moss has garnered support from BBC Introducing and, more recently, Hailsham FM and Amazing Radio. ‘The Ride’ has been gaining plenty of traction from listeners since its debut and has the potential to quickly become Moss’ most popular track to date.


‘The Ride’ is now available on Spotify, iTunes and other streaming platforms, along with fan favourite singles ‘Scared To Be Lonely’ and ‘I’m Not Leaving’. 


Soph Smith

@_soph_smith (Twitter)

Image: Charlie Moss ‘The Ride’ Single Artwork