Day & Dream consists of Peter Frizzante and Abby Amaya, a couple hailing from North Carolina who have cultivated a unique blend of indie-rock sound and Beach House-esque dream pop. Their sound has evolved through a staggered release of singles, EPs and their first album ‘With Every Breath You Die’ since their debut with 2018’s ‘Nocturnal Creatures’.
Their latest single, ahead of their sophomore album ‘The Art of Remembering’ due later this year, is the mystical ‘Rabbit Hole’. As a sonic and lyrical downward spiral of a track, ‘Rabbit Hole’ further solidifies the eerie dreaminess of the band’s signature sound.
The track opens to a layered, reverberating melody, then is kicked up a notch by a drum bass. Amaya’s whispery, enigmatic vocals add another layer to the track’s sonic landscape; as she breaks into the verse beginning “browsing for hours / deliberately push you in”, it is as though her voice is soaring on the wings of the backing melody.
The effortless slide of drum and bass into a glistening synthesiser has an almost slippery effect as if the listener is sliding into an auditory rabbit hole themselves. The pinwheeling structure of the chords also adds a trance-like sense to the song, and the musical shift that accompanies the lyrics “so close to midnight / going down the rabbit hole” evokes the glimmering of lights. The final line, “what are you looking for?” is emblematic of the track as a whole. It expresses the sense of overwhelm and a loss of control in a way that is almost disconcertingly calm and velvety.
The couple describe their sound as the equivalent of “your favourite warm fuzzy blanket” on their web page. The dreamy vocals and soaring sound are frequently grounded in a rhythmic bassline in a way that supports this description. Listening to ‘Rabbit Hole’ is a strikingly sensory experience.
What makes Day & Dream’s music so distinct is the deft interweaving of lo-fi pop with a punkier indie-rock underlayer. The effect overall is the creation of a captivating musical experience.
Eleanor Burleigh
Image: Rabbit Hole Official Single Cover (PRESS)