Many young adults have felt that constant itch to get out of the house and explore the world in their own ways again — locally, nationally, or internationally. It isn't easy to define such yearning with words, yet Charli Adams' new single, 'Seventeen Again' featuring Novo Amor, did just that. The imagery in the lyrics, hypnotic vocals, and dreamy instrumentals successfully perpetuate the feeling of youth in the song.
Instead of being direct, Adams' lyrical style draws on imagery to illustrate the age of seventeen. "I don't wanna go home, I was walking around just me and my headphones / I could visit my friends roll the windows down on Broadway, take it all in / I'll decorate all my own got a poster and a microphone / Make some friends, call them up."
Adams was triumphant in getting people to understand what being seventeen is like using the brilliant lyrics in the piece — most people are more likely to understand something completely when they can visualize it.
One can't ignore how beautiful, sweet, and humble the vocals are. The airy and smooth tone of voice and the perfectly blended harmonies contribute to the tranquility of the track. The instrumentals are beyond gorgeous. 'Seventeen Again' is full of life because of the dynamics in the instrumentation. The producer deserves a standing ovation for adding the chimes in — the chilling effect they add is the cherry on top. Furthermore, the track favors John Mayer's style because of the electric guitar, especially at the end with the solo.
Although 'Seventeen Again' has nothing to do with the films, it does not disappoint and is absolutely beautiful. Adams and Amor gave a gift to those looking to turn back the clock and relive those glorious youthful days or those who aren't of age yet but curious about what it is like.
Taylor Berry
Image: Charli Adams Official Single Artwork