Thanks to their chaotic nature, the band began to generate an intense buzz towards the end of last year through their unruly presence over virtual shows – such as their short set at the online Great Escape Festival. Recently they have decided to share their well-crafted yet disorderly track ‘Disco’.
‘Disco’ provides propulsive guitar riffs, pulsating percussion, and discordant instrumentals. Geese have managed to carve out a niche sound, hinting at Pink Floyd’s sensorial intensity, Deerhunter’s melancholic overtones, perfectly topped off with the frenetic bursts of Sonic Youth. It is modern post-punk, twisted and contorted into eerily captivating soundscapes for the listener to get lost in.
In just over six minutes, Geese traverse fluidly between chaotic dissonance and sublime melodies. Driven by frenetic guitar bursts and a menacing yet melodic undercurrent, ‘Disco’ is both a disturbing and joyous journey – travelling from the verge of collapse into a wide-eyed expression of joy as the track gives you a chance to catch your breath. Even when Geese diverge into somewhat unpredictable soundscapes, they always know where they are heading.
Topically pondering the sense of chaos and anxiety that each of us carries with us, the band explores how they carry their own chaos into their music, finding Winter in cataclysmic introspection as he is overcome by a sonic whirlpool. ‘Disco’ is an uncompromising track in its experimentalism, spanning from thunderous post-punk to emotionally charged delicacies.
As the track comes to an end, the rolling drums, soaring guitars, and yearning vocals begin to charge at you. Musically and lyrically, the track is subdued by an intense crescendo of discordance. The band lands themselves in the same musical realm as Crack Cloud, with their jagged riffs, unadulterated bass, and rhythmic spoken word.
With only ‘Disco’ released so far, it feels like Geese’s best is right around the corner – and with each listen, you will become more and more intrigued with what their best will be.
By Aimee Dodd
Image: Disco Official Single Artwork