Released July 20th, Vistas’ newest single, ‘Brand New,’ is the latest release ramping up to their next album, ‘What Were You Hoping To Find?’.
It feels fresh and summery, like the song you want to listen to while driving to the beach.
Throughout the track, there’s a constant flow of energy, whether it’s bubbling underneath the surface of the verses or being released into the pre-chorus and chorus.
Lead singer of the Scotland-based band, Prentice Robertson, shows a wide range of skills in this song; he shows us his impressive vocal range, hitting high notes as well as effortlessly sinking down low, his voice consistently vibrant and resonant. Additionally, for those who haven’t heard much from Vistas, Prentice’s voice has this cool nasally aspect to it that makes his voice stand out and pierce through the mix. In this way, you’ll be inspired to sing along, especially during the chorus.
Guitarist Dylan Rush, much like Prentice, shows just how much he can do with a guitar from the palmed guitars of the verses to the large power chords of the chorus. And of course, every band needs good bass and Vistas has got it. Jamie Law’s execution of this well-written and elusive bass line shows that these three make a perfect concoction to obsess over.
As for ‘Brand New,’ Vistas wastes no time getting to the idea by having pretty short verses that grow into the larger idea of the song. With great melodies and energy hard to match, this track will surely impress.
Vistas announced that their next album, ‘What Were You Hoping To Find?’ , is set to be released on August 20th. Make sure you check it out! I know I will.
Christian Koller
Image: Vistas ‘Brand New’ Single Official Artwork