Wednesday, July 07, 2021

That’s life, according to Still Woozy

After coming out of relative obscurity, ‘Still Woozy’ has steadily been releasing indie pop bangers since 2017, with this latest single ‘That’s Life’ fitting comfortably in with the rest of his discography, yet revealing a deeper more intimate side to him.

 This latest psychedelic cut by Oakland native Sven Gamsky’s solo project dives deeper than some of his other tracks, contemplating how our actions result in unwanted consequences, before deciding ‘that’s life/why would it change now?’.


Still Woozy is known for genre-bending - picking and choosing sonic elements from a whole host of genres to create his spacey, dreamy trademark sound. Slightly more subdued sonically in comparison to his older tracks, this cut is a definite sign of maturing musically both lyrically and instrumentally. 


That’s Life’ although sticking to the spacey sound includes some more traditional sounding production with driving baselines and tight snares commanding the song, really letting the lyrics carry the song. These lyrics are some of his most personal and intimate yet, describing a rather torrid sounding breakup, the impact it has had on his view on life, and how he yearns for the past: 


“That's life, why would it change now? / One minute I'm up, one minute I'm face down / I don't care what the cost is / I wanna go back, back, back”


It really feels as though Sven is becoming more comfortable with revealing a more intimate, personal side to him, and this song is him dipping his toe into the water to test the reaction to it.


Along with this latest single release, Gamsky has announced that his much-anticipated debut album ‘If This Isn’t Nice, I Don’t Know What Is’ will drop on August 13

Dan Jones

@DanJonesNews @danjones_98

Image: 'That's Life' Official Single Artwork