Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FLOWVERS Are Never ‘Far Away’ With Great Music

There are some really great indie bands at the moment aren’t there? 

After a blip in the 2010s, where the radio was saturated with anything but indie, we’ve found our way back to bands who find their inspiration in post-punk, alternative, and new wave sounds. 

FLOWVERS is one such band. Formed in 2016 in the sunny Southern coastal city of Portsmouth, this group of four released a string of singles and began making festival appearances in 2018. They have honed their sound further throughout lockdown and so we find ourselves at the beginning of a new chapter for FLOWVERS.

And if their new single ‘Far Away’ is anything to go by, it’ll be exactly what any indie fan needs. With the perfect combination of hard-hitting drums, electrifying guitar and bass, and lead vocals that float and fill in the gaps between these sounds, this new single is a hit. 

It begins with a stripped-back sound, with a few bars to warm up to where the song is going before the drums kick in. The chorus packs a punch including a darker chord progression and introspective lyrics, a personal favourite of mine being “I’m far too young to have this much to say.” The vocals have cadences of bands like Phoenix, or even at times Inhaler, although FLOWVERS take a more shoegaze-y approach with their production, choosing to blend and distort the sounds further.

Interestingly, once the breakdown and instrumental in the bridge take over, one can almost see what this song would look like live. I, for one, hope both for FLOWVERS and for their fans that they get to perform far more in the very near future. This band provide an energy boost and an infectious one at that. Go give ‘Far Away’ a listen – FLOWVERS are one to watch!


Chloe Boehm


Image: FLOWVERS by Indy Brewer