Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Wake Up To Sleepyhead's Latest Single for Upcoming EP, 'Blue

Manchester-based indie-rock duo sleepyhead have released their latest track ‘Centerfold’ as part of their upcoming EP ‘Blue’.

Musicians Seb Reid and Matt Davies formed sleepyhead in 2018 and recorded their first EP 'Teenage Haircut'. Over the last three years, they've continued to create a rather impressive repertoire of tracks - all of which they recorded, mixed, and released by themselves. 


Their upcoming EP 'Blue' is set to serve as the first half of their debut album, with the second half due for release before the end of the year. 'Long Goodbye', the first single off the EP, has already garnered 10,000 listens on Spotify, so it's no doubt that 'Centrefold' will follow in its success.


‘Centrefold’ is inspired by classic elements of post-punk bands such as Joy Division and The Smiths whilst still feeling new and original. The track opens up with a gritty bassline before imploding into upbeat melodies and angsty lyricism. The chorus, in particular, is raw and unapologetic: "Shallow solo / You played the part you drank up your applause / Shallow solo / You played the part, the critics surely floored".


The track features synthy instrumentals and vibrant guitar riffs to create an electrifying sound that's perfect for any setting - house parties, road trips, or simply a chilled afternoon in the park.  


'Centrefold' is a song of self-realisation, but also one of realisation for others. 

We often get stuck in our ways and don't consider how our actions affect others. Exploring lyrical themes such as these is what makes sleepyhead relatable. On their website's biography, their music has been described as “gently balancing warming melodies with unfeigned lyrics of teen angst, undefined relationships and youthful disillusionment", and that could not be more accurate. 


We can already hear this song being played at every indie club night in the foreseeable future! 




NĂ¡oimi Johanna 


Image: sleepyhead Official Single Cover (PRESS)