Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Australian Rising Star DMC Wows With New Single ‘Memories’

Hailing all the way from Canberra, Australia, it is safe to say that 22-year-old Duncan McMaster, also known as DMC, is definitely turning heads with his unique, intriguing sound. As he releases his latest single ‘Memories’ it is easy to see why the young man has become so popular so quickly.

A self-proclaimed Indie Rock, pop and alt recording artist, DMC is definitely no one-trick pony when it comes to music-making. From hip-hop to pop-rock, DMC can do it and it’s this versatility that has him gaining attention left right and centre. With tracks such as ‘Searching’ and ‘Just The Way I Am’ setting a precedent, this latest release from DMC certainly follows suit in its excellence.

‘Memories’ is a groovy fast-paced pop-rock single that explores McMaster’s ‘Memories’ of his lockdown lover and is undeniably emotional in nature.
The track opens with a groovy, simple bass riff that lays the foundations for the rest of the track. At the four-bar mark, we hear a “One two three four” along with the clacking of drum sticks before, suddenly, the riff becomes accompanied by a kick and snare drum pattern which reinforces the groove of the bass.  

It is at the eight-bar mark where this release begins to shine as listeners get a swell of excitement. Here, akin to his track ‘Searching’, listeners are dropped straight into the chorus where McMaster emotionally declares “And I’ve been thinking about you again / All these memories trapped inside my brain”. Delivered with passion, DMC is far from lifeless and sings with unbelievable clarity and confidence on this latest release.

With regards to instrumentation, the chorus features a rapidly ticking hi-hat which creates a real sense of speed. A picked electric guitar plays an infectious melody alongside the speedy, steady strumming of the bass and occasionally one may hear the crash of a cymbal adding slight impact to the song. The chorus segment is rich and plentiful in musical offerings and transitions beautifully into the far simpler verse. 

The verse is led by the same groovy bass riff heard in the intro of the track, however, here we have wide backing vocals filling in the little spaces in between to avoid emptiness. 

in the track’s description on SoundCloud, DMC himself explains how it’s “based on the journey of love [he] experienced over the past year. It encompasses [his] feelings and general headspace through a positive time in [his] life where [he] came across emotions [he] had previously only dreamed of.” And he hopes that “this positive magnification of [his] life will surely take listeners into a summery setting of pure bliss and good vibes”.

Overall, ‘Memories’ is a satisfying listen and a respectable single from DMC. Hopefully, there is more to come and who knows we may even get an album from the young Aussie in the near future.

 Isaac Semple


Image: ‘Memories’ Official Single Cover (PRESS)