‘Life’s A Bitch’, a statement that has left most people’s lips in the recent years and Nina Nesbitt, the Scottish singer songwriter has written a song to be sung out loud when life gets you down.
This single follows the release of ‘Summer Fling’, her earlier 2021 single and gives another view on love to this sunshine filled romance.
The intro transports you straight to the '80s with a synth that is heard throughout the track and compliments the 27-year-old voice perfectly.
The synth is met next by the vocals of Nina whose melody sticks to a small number of notes, giving a monotone introduction which fits seamlessly with the beat, creating a simplistic and flawless build up verse for the chorus.
The final line of the verse “Life’s a bitch, I hate it but I love it” becomes the statement line of this single and is easy to imagine ringing around venues by Nina’s heartbreak fans. The chorus melody line is pleasing and predictable which compliments the song positive nature sandwiched by the monotone style verses.
While the first few minutes of the song seem perfectly placed to soundtrack a coming-of-age movie, the bridge brings a slight change of tone to the song. All instruments drop out leaving just the electric guitar and a focus of Nina and her lyrics. The repeating lyrics bring attention to the message of the song which seems to be that life is hard but do what makes you happy without having a reason, though watching the music video gives another interpretation to the lyrics.
The drums dramatically make a return, bringing the song back to its pop/'80s electronic expectation but is closely followed by a quiet and eerie outro, leave Nina’s vocals sounding helpless and alone.
This anthem of hardship release was accompanied by its own horror inspired music video. The video is introduced with a Rocky Horror Show style writing and takes the audience gradually through the breakdown of Nina while riding in a convertible. Nina takes the shape of a pristine person but gradually she becomes unable to escape her problems and we are left with a wrecked character holding a hand written help sign.
This summer cut is sure to take a permanent place on many playlists and will accompany you on your lonely car rides when life just feels a little too much.
Amber Malley
Image: PRESS