Friday, November 12, 2021

Indie Rock, Emotional Lyrics and A Debut EP: Prinz Leo Releases ‘Lift Your Head Up Till Your Neck Is Sore’

Multi-instrumentalist Prinz Leo fuses indie rock with innovative instrumentalist and expressive guitar solos throughout ‘Lift Your Head Up Till Your Neck Sore.’ This is Prinz Leo’s debut EP and acts as a stunning insight into the young musician’s songwriting capabilities and vulnerability. 

‘Lift Your Head Up Till Your Neck is Sore’ is conceptual, emotive and follows his story, pursuing music and its sacrifices. 

The emotive lyrics in the first track ‘Seeking’ gives the listener the chance to flip its deeper meaning and relate back to their current situation where they are feeling particularly vulnerable. ‘Seeking’ is a perfect example of an upbeat tune with darker lyrics. 


‘When I Am There Who Else Will Be’ is the stand out track of the EP.  ‘When I Am There Who Else Will be’ builds from soft guitar riffs and expressive lyrics where Prinz Leo really shows his emotions. His baritone range adds a contrast to the softness and as a result, induces toe-tapping and a compulsion to hit the repeat button.


There is a slight pause in the EP with ‘Zwischhngspu’ an eerie instrumental that leads perfectly into the final track, ‘Places I’ll Never See.’ The track starts off slow and atmospheric and then builds up faster and into a catchy beat. Prinz Leo uses an expressive electric guitar solo that both contrasts and contradicts the vocal range in a captivating way.


Over the last few months, Prinz Leo has built an engaging online community of over 10,000 followers and there’s no surprise as to why. Prinz Leo really shows his range with ‘Lift Your Head Till Your Neck is Sore’ from the emotional lyrics and vocals that perfectly compliment and contrast with the instrumentals. A spectacular EP and a must-listen. 




Ana Joy King


Image: ‘Lift Your Head Till Your Neck Is Sore’ Official EP Cover