A simple google search of the word ‘Vlure’ will result in a cornucopia of elusive, almost brutalist, black and white stills featuring the band of the same title... but who are Vlure?
From their pictures, Vlure appears to be a vanguard five-piece with a nuanced understanding of the neo-goth aesthetic. In reality, they are the figureheads of Glasgow’s post-punk renaissance.
With Vlure acting as the (much needed) harbingers of the goth-trance movement, it is fair to state that they have a monopoly over the current synth-underworld. Occupying the previously uncharted territory somewhere between Slaves, The Prodigy and Killing Joke, the Glasgow five-piece have not only mastered the art of sounding cool but have the gigantic stage presence to prove it.
As soon as he emerged on stage, vocalist Hamish Hutcheson commanded the room into submission, demanding a response from the pulsating audience in his screams of an encouraging “C’MON”. The front man is the embodiment of allure, never once breaking his intense eye contact with the crowd for the duration of the gig. Hutcheson’s eccentric dance moves were a spectacle in itself, underpinning the band’s exceedingly apparent affinity with 90s rave culture. In fact, his on-stage theatrics wouldn’t have looked out of place in the Hacienda, circa 1993.
The group opened with their seductive single ‘Desire’, a track which effectively operates as a sonic advert for hedonism. Hutcheson’s chants of “what is your desire?” materialised as an incantation of sorts, enchanting the audience into channelling Dionysus for the remainder of the performance. Showing an innate appreciation of the nuances in which post-punk can offer, the provocative sound emanating from the stage provided the perfect backdrop to the mosh pits, beer throwing and general chaos which proceeded to ensue.
Vlure’s five-piece format is stellar. Their interesting layers of sound perfectly depict the artistic strengths that come paired with a collective effort in which all parts are equal. Alex Pearson does a great job on the keys, underpinning Vlure’s already intriguing sound with an addictive beat. Despite her position on stage being slightly concealed, she gave a performance which would have been impossible to go unnoticed.
Regardless of the band’s impassioned sound, where they really impress is with their entertainment factor. There was no concept of a fourth-wall between the audience and the players, with Hutcheson often coming into the crowd to stand eye-to-eye with his admirers. Drawing out, what can only be described as, a feral aggression in his audience, the front man triumphantly hyped up his crowd for the band’s final few tracks. This included a monumental cover of ‘God is a DJ’ by the band Faithless- a song the rock gods clearly intended to be solely for Vlure.
Despite my existing awareness of this band and the waves they’re making in the Glasgow music scene, I admittedly had not given them a proper listen before this gig. After heading straight to their Spotify profile on the tube home, I can confirm that no other band has passed through my headphones since.
Abbie Cronin
Image: Marilena Vlachopoulou / Press