Friday, January 28, 2022

Everything But The Everything hit back with the post-punk banger ‘In Love Again’

Hailing from the Bay Area, Oakland native Izzy the Gent’s brainchild Everything But Everything has been steadily releasing music of varying styles.

For this latest effort ‘In Love Again’ Izzy has teamed up with Golden Plates to release a track that very much channels Joy Division, with an overall sound that can be described as grungy and atmospheric. Izzy has been experimenting with different sounds after making a splash with the four-track EP entitled ‘Dream’, which dropped in 2019.

A driving deep bass line is the nucleus of this song, combined with punchy drums, accompanying guitars, and synths to create a very solid post-punk-inspired sound. The vocals are drenched in some heavy, grungy effects, giving the track a really haunting feel. Combining this with the raw feel of the instrumental mix, the listener is treated to a real head-nodding banger. 

These aforementioned effects give the lyrics a harder edge to them. Speaking about new love, the vocalist is expressing his reluctance to fully commit after finding himself having fallen in love again, stating: “Please can you help me / I’ve fallen in love again / I wanted to be free”. A statement of reluctance that juxtaposes with our perception of falling in love. Usually a feeling synonymous with happiness and glee, this statement turns this idea on its head.

Featuring a strong mix, including some well-produced instrumental effects, this latest release fits comfortably into this artist's impressive catalogue.


Dan Jones 

Image: ‘In Love Again’ Official Single Cover (Press)