Monday, March 21, 2022

Oh Wonder Instils Hope With New Single ‘Magnificent’

Lovebirds Oh Wonder announced their upcoming album ’22 Make’ with a stunning new single ‘Magnificent’. A song symbolic of all the themes of the album, it entrances listeners with messages of belonging, fate and love.

Oh Wonder’s Josephine and Anthony had listeners on tenterhooks with the release of their most recent album ’22 Break’. 

It seemed that a breakup was imminent for the two. However thankfully they used music as a channel for their pain and reportedly ended up stronger than ever. Enter ’22 Make’: a reflection on what comes on the other side of ‘make or break’. Instead of sitting in turbulence and despair it steadies listeners and is filled to the brim with life affirming messages.

Magnificent’ is a heartbreakingly sweet song. As one has come to expect from this duo, they are constantly striking a perfect balance. Thematically for instance this song sits at the intersection of being hopelessly in love and in hopeless despair at what could’ve been if they hadn’t said hello. The eventuality that they could’ve been strangers. Anyone who’s ever been in love will find the terror of that thought process only too relatable.

Their vocals yet again strike a perfect balance as well. It is rare to find a duo that sings together without ever branching apart. Instead of breaking into harmonies they double each other to create a cohesive sound. All this is even more remarkable when one considers how different their vocal qualities actually are. While they are wonderful apart, they are stronger together.

They also perfectly mesh the mediums they work with. From the acoustic strumming of the guitar, to the synths that act as a base to the song, no element strikes the wrong note (both literally and figuratively). ‘Magnificent’ is truly stunning, down to the last second.

Really, what Oh Wonder has always done for their listeners is provided hope. Their music has always provided an escape. This song is no different. What ‘Magnificent’ and in turn the highly anticipated ’22 Make’ will remind listeners that even if it doesn’t seem there is, there is always a choice: Make or Break?

‘Magnificent’ is out on all streaming platforms now and listeners should look to upcoming tour dates. This tour promises to be magnificent.

Chloe Boehm


Image: Josh Shinner