California rock group, The Fallen Electric is excited to return to music post quarantine with brand new songs and a brand new vibe along with it. The quartet has come out of this pandemic positively, stating they are grateful for the impact it had on their songwriting.
Their new single ‘Move to the Sound’ is the first to come out of this creative era for them and truly represents this fresh new vibe for them. Stating this track has a lot of classic rock influence, but it’s clear what they were probably listening to when they wrote this one.
Typically influenced by the 90s alternative sound, such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, early pop-punk vibes definitely took precedent with ‘Move to the Sound’. Right away the listener will hear that authoritative punk rock sound, but the style in lead singer, Jimmy Ganzer, vocals is in a more New Found Glory style. The song is certainly a headbanger, it’s fun and something to “move” to. It’s a fun song, it’s fun to see that the group’s influences are so ingrained in their style and that they write their music out of pure love for the music they grew up with.
The song will fill the heart of any pop-punk fan. It’s exactly the type of music that is appropriate for a party or for chilling alone. The Fallen Electric clearly writes from their hearts, they write what they know and what inspires them. With this new track, they’re welcoming everyone to feel that kind of blink-182 nostalgia with them. The band is starting a new chapter in their sound and any listener will be excited to hear more.
Hope Orr
Image: ‘Move to the Sound’ Official Track Cover