This festival will be held at Leeds Temple Newsam - which makes for an exciting outdoor summer festival experience.
There are lots of big names on the bill, with Sea Girls, The Vaccines, and Bombay Bicycle Club topping the bill, as well as loads of up-and-coming artists including Brits Rising Star winner Holly Humberstone.
The Blinders are another stand-out act, they are an outstanding live band whose music never fails to exceed everyone's expectations. Their recent EP ‘Electric Kool-Aid’ proves this effortlessly; with stand out tracks ‘Barefoot Across Your Water’ and ‘Hate To See You Tortured’ - two of the darkest songs they have ever released, but definitely two of the best, they are definitely not to be missed at the festival, as are Dream Wife - an empowering all female trio who truly come to life on stage, always making audiences feel connected and part of the performance, constantly preaching equality and safe gigs for women, constantly working to make gigs and festivals a safe space.
The festival will be held across four stages; The Dork Presents Stage, The DIY Big Top Stage, The Hill Top Stage and of course The Main stage.
It is set to be the biggest party of the summer, will you be there?
Jazz Myatt