Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bones In Butter show their softer side with new single, ‘A Dystopian Love Song’

Any song tied even slightly to a dystopia should, by definition, be frightening and uncertain to say the least, but Bones In Butter have done a complete 180 on the idea by using the best of their talents to create a positive, safe, love song.

Although a haunting chime opens the track - which cleverly sets the backdrop for the band’s dystopian piece - the tense atmosphere is almost immediately greeted with, and combatted by, a comfortable and carefree instrumental. Hence, ‘A Dystopian Love Song’ comes to perfectly surmise itself within the first ten seconds. 

The lyrics are adoringly honest, detailing two people who are extremely committed to their relationship, ‘Until the last grain of sand falls / I’ll be waiting for you day to dawn’, implying that it’s strong enough to withstand the biggest and most threatening challenges.

As the song develops, it becomes apparent that it’s ultimately about being present in the current moment and enjoying it as much as possible, even amidst dystopian disasters: ‘Take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air’

The track creates its own fictional dystopia by using clever production techniques to envelope listeners into their story; the spacious instrumentation allows each instrument room to breathe, whilst the vocals are flooded with harmonies and reverb. Perhaps the feature that binds the song together the most is the impressive backing vocals that appear throughout the track. They add a surprising amount of fullness to the track, particularly noticeable during instrumental breaks in the track, providing cheery and uplifting vocal melodies. 

Again, whilst being aware of the track’s dystopian environment, the production and instrumentation relaxes listeners and is a reminder not to panic, but to enjoy the present moment. 

Not only is ‘A Dystopian Love Song’ an incredibly clever idea from Bones In Butter, but it has also been completely brought to life by their catchy, playful instrumentation and sonically immersive production. 

Rachel Feehan

@rachiefee @rachel_feehan
Image: 'A Dystopian Love Song' Official Single Cover