Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Caravan Club tackle falling for the wrong person on new single ‘Demon Girl’

Having initiated live gigs in November 2021 and since toured around Southampton and Portsmouth, Southampton 4-piece, Caravan Club, have made their first official release ‘Demon Girl’. With a clear indie-rock sound, the band claims influences from acts like Sam FenderThe Cure, and The Regrettes. The debut single 'Demon Girl'  tackles intense infatuation with a girl who might not ultimately be good for you; all within the casing of a boisterous and energetic indie-pop sing-along. 

The track bursts to life with a big rolling drumbeat, fuzzy bass riff, and a count-in before being adorned in a shimmering and heavy indie guitar fare. The first verse comes in shortly after, describing the girl the narrator is pining after, "Yeah she throws me around / She chews me like anything / It's so upside down / And she is mysterious, beautiful and wise / But her souls another story, don't look her in the eyes".

From there we get an unexpected staccato section where the instruments drop in and out in unison before the chorus starts: "Demon Girl / She’ll ruin your world / Her veins got blood / Watch your life unfold / Demon Girl / She'll eat out your heart / Tell you it's okay / When you fall apart"Underneath this, the rhythm guitar retains the choppiness of the prior instrumental section, while the drums and lead guitar slightly mirror the instrumentation at the beginning of the track, creating a bouncy chorus, making it incredibly engaging.

The end of the second verse and chorus structure into the bridge see the band strip back the instrumentation to just the bass and drums with occasional guitar flourishes dancing around the lines, "I wanna forget her but she's locked inside my head / I wanna forget her but she's sleeping in my bed". The track then opens up into an electric guitar solo and finishes off with a final chorus.

'Demon Girl' is an incredibly promising showcase of Caravan Club's ability to put together an energetically infectious, yet beautifully intricate indie-pop tune. 

Kenneth Butcher


Image: 'Demon Girl'  Official Single Cover