Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Arctic Monkeys Drop First Single In Four Years, ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’, From Their Upcoming Album

Acting as a perfectly smooth transition from their previous album, ‘Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino’, Sheffield band Arctic Monkeys have revealed their new single, titled ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’¸ which offers an almost hypnotic ambience for the listener.

With mellow vocals, courtesy of lead singer Alex Turner, against a backdrop of soothing instrumentals, ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’ explores the notion of a woman walking Turner to his car, a fitting nod towards the upcoming album.

In true Arctic Monkeys fashion, however, the meaning behind the song is not immediately clear. Turner sings, “Can we be absolutely sure / That there’s a mirrorball”, something which seems far removed from the rather straightforward details of the first verse, which sets the scene of a bar, in which the singer is approached by a female. 

Perhaps, though, the “mirrorball” that Turner croons about is not a reference to an actual disco ball, but is an extended metaphor used in the album more broadly. Hopefully, then, this seemingly rather obscure imagery makes a little more sense in October…although this is Arctic Monkeys, and so the meaning could well prove to be completely random…

The convoluted meaning behind the lyrics, however, does not hinder the impressiveness of the track in its entirety. Featuring smooth, sweet vocal cadence and elegant inflections, alongside melodic guitars and piano, ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’ immediately conjures images of psychedelia, which helps the release feel like a seamless continuation of their previous album, regardless of the four year gap.

This exciting new music comes just days after the band had surprised fans by announcing the release date of their seventh studio album, ‘The Car’, which is to be shared on October 21st 

With a new release, a pending album, and the first stint of festival gigs in years, is a tour next on the horizon for Arctic Monkeys?


                                                                                                                                                               Isobel Reeves


Image: ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’ Official Single Cover