Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Paul Vinson mixes the sound of indie-rock with the soul of Nashville

Nashville Indie-Rock artist Paul Vinson returns with ‘Final Show’, shortly after his latest single, ‘Keep Up’, in anticipation of a full-length record. 

According to his Spotify, the Florida-born and raised musician had always known he was born to be an artist. The mastery demonstrated in all of his previous releases has established this account.

‘Final Show’ begins with a distorted guitar riff that echoes for a few seconds, introducing the rhythmic fast phased guitar accompaniment, resembling the one found in his previous 2017 release, ‘Why’d I Ever Let You Go’.   

The song alternates between indie-rock/alternative motifs and, at times, even elements of country music – likely a subtle influence of his home city, Nashville.


The nostalgic melody line complements the emotive lyrics which transport the listeners to a brief but intense summer romance. The singer wishes that “this never ends” and reminisces on the memories as if they’re already in the past: “we took the subway / you looked a lot like a card”. In the pronounced chorus, the guitar and drums join in a rapid chord progression, with the artist exclaiming to his lover: “Let’s give them a show / give them a run for their money”.


Vinson alternates between singing in low and high octaves throughout the song, revealing his impressive vocal range and vivid timbre.


The musician will be touring for the rest of 2022, which is great news for fans in the United States. Everyone else must wait for the Vinson’s most ambitious project to date, his new album, which is set to be released this autumn; and the anticipation is high: "For the first time in my life, I'm just purely excited - I've never sat with a project this long and still enjoyed every minute of it," the musician said on Spotify, expressing his admiration for the project.


Evelina Lungu




Image: ‘Final Show’ Official Single Cover