Following the release of their debut EP ‘A Calm Sense of Surrounding’ and follow-up ‘Nothing Feels Real’ released in March and October 2021, south-east London rock quartet Bleach Lab have returned in 2022 to unveil their latest single ‘Obviously’.
Their new record follows hot on the heels of their recently released track ‘Take It Slow’, which has already received positive reviews in their local region and beyond. Formed in 2017, Bleach Lab comprises vocalist Jenna Kyle, guitarist Frank Wates, bassist John Longman, and drummer Kieran Weston.
The song begins with an eerie-sounding synth before the drums kick in with the rest of the band, lifting the lid on the dynamics. The opening lines of the song — “If you think it isn’t about him, well it is / What you gonna do about it?’’ — set the tone for a song that pushes a narrative about casual sex and not being somebody’s first love. Moreover, the lyrics touch on a lack of love and intimacy; two key ingredients that successfully bind people closer together in the long run.
The chorus follows with a question and answer refrain: “Does he still love her? / Obviously, obviously, obvious’’, reaffirming the message behind the opening lines. The dynamics and tempo remain consistent throughout to ensure the pulse remains intact, until the song suddenly fades out with the outro’s strummed guitar.
Released on August 24 2022, this single is already available to be added to an ever more palatable playlist. Fans can also make sure they don’t miss out on hearing this track live, as the quartet embark on their UK tour with trips to Manchester, London, and Southampton all on the band’s itinerary. Be sure to follow Bleach Lab for updates and more great releases like ‘Obviously’.
Antony Bailey
Image: 'Obviously' Official Single Cover