Friday, November 18, 2022

Award-winning Indie songwriter Skye Ember unveils her latest offering

The Indie-pop southwest London-based musician; Skye Ember has released her latest single titled ‘Be Brave’

The award-winning artist has been busy lately working on her debut album which is set to release in 2023 but has yet to have been given a specific date. Ember has been composing since the age of 16 and has previously been a contestant in both the UK Songwriting and Masters of Songwriting contests.

The track begins with an acoustic riff and a gentle backbeat to provide a subtle yet audible pulse to the music. The opening line ‘’If you’re playing hide and seek / And no one seeks you out’’ in the first verse points towards the song’s meaning, which concerns loneliness, rejection, and heartbreak.  

The dynamics lift slightly for the pre-chorus as it builds a crescendo towards the chorus. The chorus is the most appealing and memorable part of the song both musically and lyrically. A swift drum fill leads the song into the chorus and the lyrics ‘’You must be brave / Patch all your scars and heal your pain’’ underline the powerful message Ember delivered.  

There is also a brief instrumental section post-chorus, including a slight guitar solo. This occurs before the music returns to the final chorus, leading to the outro. The message behind the music is powerful in the wake of both recent and ongoing events and consequently, listeners are bound to resonate with the lyrics as being brave has been the only viable option for some.  

The rising singer-songwriter has a lot more to offer as her debut album is very much on the horizon and her sound is beginning to transcend international borders as her work gains more popularity.  

Antony Bailey 

Image: 'Be Brave' Official Single Cover