Tuesday, January 31, 2023

boygenius wow fans with three new singles

Musical trio, boygenius, comprised of well-known and loved alternative-indie artists Phoebe BridgersLucy Dacus, and Julien Baker, dropped three new songs from their forthcoming album, ‘the record’ – ‘$20’‘Emily I’m Sorry’ and ‘True Blue’

Thus far on the album, these three tracks have become an instantaneous, perfect mix of the softer, mellow melodies that are so quintessential to each of the trio’s already-established status as musical artists, as well as some experimentation with louder, more eclectic moments. 

Having previously released just a self-titled EP back in 2018, the trio’s new music has been in keen anticipation from fans – it’s no wonder boygenius have racked up countless numbers of listeners on their new music already, then, considering the sheer popularity of its three talented members. 

‘the record’ starts off strong with fast-paced, snappy ‘$20’ – a track that, from the lyrics to the instruments themselves, immediately becomes reminiscent of classic punk-rock. With Baker taking the lead on the vocals, and Bridgers and Dacus joining in midway through the first verse, it creates a harmonious, well-rounded mix of their three distinct singing voices. The lyrics remind us of teenage-style angst and the urge to rebel that young people so often become frequented with, as the song begins with: ‘It’s a bad idea and I’m all about it / Give it one more chance and / Then I finally had it / When you wake up, I’ll be gone again’. A good song to listen to when you’re feeling pent-up, perhaps.

The next track ‘Emily I’m Sorry’ – which, from the sentimental lyrics to the slow pace of the track, is more quintessential of Bridgers’ solo music – is rumoured to be written about someone with whom Bridgers was in a relationship with at one point. As such, these raw, intensely personal feelings are poured into the just-three-minute song, leaving listeners with their own sense of longing and nostalgia for a past relationship. With lyrics like ‘Just take me back to Montreal / I’ll get a real job, you’ll go back to school / We can burn out in the freezing cold’ and ‘I’m twenty-seven and I don’t know who I am’ – which are so simple yet simultaneously so heart-breaking, it's bound to become a favourite amongst fans. 

Dacus takes the lead in the last pre-released track from the new record:‘True Blue’. A song that explores themes of home-making and longing for a place to belong, it expresses passion and a desire for intimacy with another person on a deeply personal level. Something which is so paradoxical - in that, it is both a universally-known experience yet is also so unique between any two people - is portrayed so intensely throughout the track. With the trio coming together during the chorus to all sing the lyrics ‘And it feels good to be known so well / I can’t hide from you like I hide from myself’ – it at once becomes a song that sums up our own individual experiences, no matter what they be, so poetically.  

Including the three new songs just released, the full album is to be comprised of twelve songs; fans are in eager anticipation for the trio’s album debut, which is set to be released on March 31st – will you be listening to ‘the record’?  


Sophia Di Maida


Image: ‘the record’ Official Album Cover