Monday, January 23, 2023

Connie Campsie Gives Delicate New Meaning In Single ‘Uneasy’

London-based singer-songwriter Connie Campsie has released her newest single ‘Uneasy’, ahead of highly anticipated debut EP ‘I’m Still Talking To Myself’. 

Breath-taking in its raw power and simultaneously delicate composition, this tune promises to be the staple song selection for anyone slightly less than euphoric.

Campsie has been releasing music since the autumn of 2019 and has always been intensely introspective. 

From cathartic songs of self-discovery to those about an abusive relationship, every single one is fantastic. Her anxiety disorder, however, has played an especially large role in her tracks and she writes about it with honesty and a touch of self-deprecating wit. This quality is what makes her writing so charming and simultaneously gut-wrenching.

To put it as Campsie does, ‘Uneasy’ was written about panic attacks. She found herself particularly overwhelmed by one seemingly innocuous bus-ride home. From one moment to the next panic struck and she had to get off thirty-minutes before her stop, running home to try and dispel the adrenaline. While she firmly believes you should be kind to yourself regarding mental health, she found herself frustrated with being so delicate, leading to her writing this stupendous song. The key to it truly is the simplicity: “It’s embarrassing / How too much / Is never a lot / I’m freaking out / Gotta get off the bus / Tired of feeling / Feeling uneasy”

Nothing in ‘Uneasy’ is dredged in over-explanation, it says what it needs to say. Campsie understands the value of less is more musically as well. While there are layers to the composition of this song, nothing fights for attention or drowns anything out. The guitar, the harmonies, and the piano accents all work together to create a cocoon for her vocals.

If her singles are anything to go by, the EP - to be released on the 7th of February 2023 - will be incredible. In the meantime, however, listeners can find ‘Uneasy’ out on all streaming platforms now.

Chloe Boehm


Image: ‘Uneasy’ Official Single Cover